Work with an education consultant for parents to determine the best school environment for your child’s personality and learning style

Is your child’s current school not living up to expectations? 

Are you feeling lost about which school will best support your child? 

Are you worried your child isn’t at the right school for their needs or strengths?

Is homeschool or virtual schooling a challenge?

EdumindedNYC acts as an education consultant for parents, making it easier to navigate the complex world of education in New York City.

We help you create the best possible education experience for your child, so they reach their full potential with joy and determination!

What does an education consultant for parents do?

  • Offers expert, objective feedback about which specific NYC school or type of school around the world will be most supportive and encouraging for your child’s needs

  • Helps you articulate your values around education and choose a school that mirrors those values

  • Provides any additional resources your child may need to excel in school

  • Supports you in homeschooling or virtual schooling, so that your child doesn’t miss a beat

  • Helps you plan and prepare for a trajectory for your child’s future education, from preschool through college

  • Offers actionable suggestions to better balance family schedules with your child’s education

“Our biggest concern was our daughter being able to relate to the tutor. This was one of the reasons why we went with Megan. Megan was able to relate to her and understand her. She was able to use that bond to work with her and actually expand that to where they are now.
Another reason we chose Megan was that she was familiar with the school and their approach. The school expects a child to be at a certain point throughout the year; that's how they measure progress. And Megan knows those points in progress for the school. She has laid out that plan to either meet that point or to be ahead of that point.

In the beginning, the goal was more on how to fine-tune our daughter’s reading ability, but now she’s at the point where she's reading to learn more information. It's not about learning to read, it's about reading and learning new things in the world about different people in history, about animals, about different rights, women’s rights, civil rights, and even racial justice!

We’d say that Megan is an extension of us, her parents, in guiding and providing knowledge that our daughter needs to succeed in her educational journey. But we also see her as an extension of the school's faculty because we've had the faculty and Megan connect to make sure that what Megan is covering is working with what the school is covering.”

-Jannice and Luis Barbier, parents of a nine-year-old student

Master of Education (MSed) in School Leadership and Administration

Teacher Certified (with 10 years of teaching experience)

Kazdin Parent Management Training certified (KPMT)

Associate Educational Therapist (A/ET)

Special Education and Support Services Coordinator


Find out if EduMindedNYC is a match for your child

We also offer COVID-19 home-learning support & virtual educational therapy services